The Power Of Talk Therapy

For the past three years, I have been going to talk therapy. It has become a part of my regular self-care routine. It is one hour of time that is built-in for me to help me.   

I know there is a lot of stigma around talking about mental health and going to therapy. But here is the thing, mental health is just as important as your physical health. It’s okay for you to call your doctor when you’re not feeling well physically. Seeing a therapist to help with your mental health is okay too! It’s okay to reach out to a therapist and say “I am not okay.”

Three years ago, I was not okay. I was in a difficult place mentally. I was lucky my therapist was through a referral. I was scared of asking for help. It’s not easy to reach out and talk to a stranger about all of your fears, doubts, anxieties and life.

Sometimes you have to see a few to find the right fit. You have to be comfortable with the therapist that you are seeing or else you are not going to benefit from their service. It’s okay to tell them they are not a good fit and can they recommend someone else.

When attending talk therapy sessions your first session is going to be heavy. You are speaking to a stranger and starting to build that relationship. To be honest, my anxiety was so high before I attended my first session I almost wanted to cancel and reschedule. But I knew I had to do this for me. I walked in and started talking about some of the issues I wanted to address. When my therapist said they could relate to what I was saying from past experiences or that they had this health issue as well. It was my ah-ha moment and the weight started to lift off my shoulders.

It is going to take time to build that trust and unload your past to help with your emotions and feelings. It’s also referred to as “Peeling The Onion” a term my therapist uses for getting to the root cause and peeling all of your past so you can begin to heal. It’s going to be over a period of time. There is no magic button or quick fix to get there. Therapists don’t fix people, they help you to manage your mental health. 

The power of talk therapy is not easy. There are times I walked away feeling many emotions and feelings. And that is okay. You are going to feel what you feel. I’d often have to take some time and sit in a fast food place or coffee shop before returning home so I can process what just happened. I’d sometimes even journal.

I can go on for hours and talk about my mental health and talk therapy. I love seeing my therapist and everyone should have one. I am so glad I have invested in my mental health. It has been the best investment as there is only one of me!

I look forward to sharing more about my mental health in future blog posts.

You are not alone! You are enough!

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